для слабовидящих
Курсы валют в ГО ПокупкаПродажа $82.0089.00 90.0097.00



About credit organization

Transactional non-banking credit organization «ALTERNATIVA» Limited operates under а license №3452-К, issued by Central Bank of Russian Federation on March 12, 2021.

We offer the following financial services:

Corporate clients

  • transactions and cash services,
  • interbank loans,
  • foreign currency control agent services,
  • conversion operations and international payments,
  • bank safe deposit boxes rental,
  • sale of investment, commemorative precious metal coins.


  • cash foreign exchange services,
  • money transfers without opening bank accounts,
  • bank safe deposit boxes rental,
  • sale of investment, commemorative precious metal coins.

Key advantage of Transactional non-banking credit organization over a traditional Russian bank is that our clients do not have the risk of losing their funds due to the minimization of liquidity and credit risks because of temporarily availible assets placement, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, only in highly liquid and low-risk financial instruments (for example, state debt obligations, Central Bank bonds).

The auditor of the NCO «ALTERNATIVA» Ltd. is A2-Audit LLC, which verifies the results of the financial activities in accordance with Russian and international auditing standards.

As of January 1, 2024, according to published reports, NCO «ALTERNATIVA» Ltd. has 253,955 thousand rubles of its own capital, 194,500 thousand rubles of which are paid authorized capital, 460,075 thousand rubles of managing assets.


Investment and commemorative precious metal coins store


Our history

Credit organization was established in January 2005 as Transaction non-banking credit organization, providing mainly transaction and cash services.

During the period 2012 – 2020 credit organization had the status of a bank with a basic license, thus expanding the range of possible banking services for its clients.

In order to maintain the stability and reliability of the credit organization by reducing credit risks and risks of loss of liquidity, ensuring 100% safety of clients funds, from March 2021, the credit organization returned to the status of a Transaction non-banking credit organization.

For 20 years, the composition of the main members of the NCO «ALTERNATIVA» Ltd. - has not changed, and some of the members take an active part managing Credit organization and its operations. The list of members is genuine. There are no nominal representatives.

The territorial network of NCO «ALTERNATIVA» Ltd. is represented by the head office, since 2018 by chain of divisions operating in the format of additional offices in Moscow, which offer individuals money transfers without opening bank accounts, foreign exchange transactions with cash foreign currency services and sale of investment, commemorative precious metal coins.





Licenses and certificates

Лицензия №3452-К НКО Альтернатива
License №3452-К NCO «ALTERNATIVA» Ltd.
Свидетельство о постановке на учет от 26.01.2024
Certificate of registration in tax inspection 26.01.2024
Лист записи в ЕГРЮЛ от 26.01.2024 Лист записи в ЕГРЮЛ от 26.01.2024
Record sheet in Unified State Register of Legal Entities 26.01.2024
Свидетельство о государственной регистрации от 27.01.2005
Certificate of state registration 27.01.2005


You can download the Charter and all amendments from the link below:


Detailed information

Type Information
1 Name English organization name: NCO «ALTERNATIVA» Ltd.
Russian full organization name: Небанковская кредитная организация «Альтернатива» (Общество с ограниченной ответственностью)
Russian short organization name: НКО «Альтернатива» (ООО)
2 Adress Adress: 115172, Russia, Moscow, st. Malye Kamenshchiki, 10
Mail adress: 115172, Russia, Moscow, st. Malye Kamenshchiki, 10
Adress in russian: 115172, Россия, г. Москва, ул. Малые Каменщики, д. 10
3 Information about state registration Main state registration number (ОГРН): 1057711000820
Registration date: 27.01.2005
Name of registration authority: Department of the Federal Tax Service of Moscow
Place of registration: Moscow
4 Taxpayer identification number/reason code for tax registration (ИНН/КПП) Taxpayer identification number (ИНН): 7750003870
Reason code for tax registration (КПП): 770501001
5 Codes of state statistical observation forms Types of Economic Activities classifier (ОКВЭД): 64.19
Enterprises and Organizations classifier (ОКПО): 77318103
Administrative-territorial division classifier (ОКАТО): 45286580000
Government and management authorities classifier (ОКОГУ): 1500010
Forms of ownership classifier (ОКФС): 16
Municipal territories classifier (ОКТМО): 45381000000
Organizational and legal forms classifier (ОКОПФ): 12300
6 Details for payments in RUB Correspondent account: 30103810645250000333
в Главном управлении Центрального банка Российской Федерации по Центральному федеральному округу г. Москва
Bank identification code (БИК): 044525333